Welcome to my blog!

Hi! I'm Dannii C, and I created this blog to try and gain interest for the amazing charity postpals.co.uk, where you can send emails, letters, cards and gifts to seriously ill children throughout the UK. Each month I will feature two different children from the website on my blog, post any updates for the kids on the site, do a monthly update, post any news generally from the site, post info about the charity itself and a little bit about every kid on the site, and basically do all I can to get more people to know about this amazing charity!

(Some of this information and some of the pictures are credited to Post Pals and other websites.)

Saturday, 31 July 2010

July's News

July was a fairly quiet month by Post Pal standards, but there was still some things of note that happened in July.

Firstly, Post Pals received a few new arrivals: Ben H, who is 5 and has a rare brain tumour; Emma B, who is also 5 and has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia; Enya W, who is also 5 (weird coincidence?) and has Langerhans Cell Histiocytocis, a condition that's treated like cancer but isn't cancer; Jaz L, who is 9 and has terminal Ewing's Sarcoma, a form of bone cancer; Max P, who is 2 and is being tested on the website; and Xander G, who is 4 and has X-Linked Agammaglobulinaemia (no, I don't know what it means either!).

There was also some sad news; Lewis R passed away on the 3rd July, at only 2 years of age, from Neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a terrible disease, of all the 25 memorial children over half of them passed away from Neuroblastoma, and this cancer also took the lives of Chintzia (3) and Amelia-Grace (8) on the 23rd and 24th of June, only two weeks earlier.

On a happier note, the Post Pals party was held this month! This annual party is a tribute to Post Pals and all the kids it has helped and is still helping. I will update on how the party went when Post Pals updates.

Apart from this, July has been pretty slow-the team must have been busy, because there haven't been any updates since Lewis passed away.

Look out for August's update!

Dannii xxx

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