Welcome to my blog!

Hi! I'm Dannii C, and I created this blog to try and gain interest for the amazing charity postpals.co.uk, where you can send emails, letters, cards and gifts to seriously ill children throughout the UK. Each month I will feature two different children from the website on my blog, post any updates for the kids on the site, do a monthly update, post any news generally from the site, post info about the charity itself and a little bit about every kid on the site, and basically do all I can to get more people to know about this amazing charity!

(Some of this information and some of the pictures are credited to Post Pals and other websites.)

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Ways to Help Out Post Pals

So, you've seen my new blog, checked out the website, and decided that you want to help out Post Pals. But how do you help out? Here are some ideas about things YOU can do for the Pals.

1. Send a cheerful email to one of the kids! If you don't have a lot of time, this is probably the most feasible option. What would you rather do in 5 minutes, go to the vending machine to grab a Kit Kat, or make a little girl who's been stuck in hospital for three months smile? Maybe include a funny picture, your favourite joke-it doesn't have to be hugely complicated.

2. Write a letter! This is the main thing that Post Pals encourages people to do. On the Post Pals news page is a post about what to say in a letter and what not to say: http://www.postpals.co.uk/news.php

3. Send a gift! Gifts will really make this children happy. However, make sure to check the Pal's page first to find out what kind of things they like, and also if they are allergic to something. Here are guidelines for children in oncology (cancer) wards in hospital: http://www.postpals.co.uk/ans.php?id=25

4. Make a donation! Post Pals is seriously short of funding-Viks and her team all have conditions such as ME and cancer so they usually can't work apart from on the charity, and when they send gifts to the kids they usually rely on donations from the public or the generosity of companies. Just 50p will enable a child in hospital to get a postcard from the team.

5. Spread the word! As well as the above, one of the most valuable things you can try to do it spread the word about Post Pals! Post Pals is not a well-known charity, and they could definitely use a few more people who can spread word about this amazing website.

6. Hold an event for Post Pals! Some ideas: Sponsored silence, bake sale, letter-writing project to get as many letters as possible for the kids, bring in old toys for the kids event, fete, maybe even run a marathon, things like that, and donate the money to Post Pals. Post Pals have never received more than £600.00 in donations from kind volunteers-maybe you can change that! Here is the fundraising page: http://www.postpals.co.uk/fund.php and here is the contact page where you can donate by sending money to the address: http://www.postpals.co.uk/contact.php

Now give yourself a pat on the back for making a sick child smile!

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