Welcome to my blog!

Hi! I'm Dannii C, and I created this blog to try and gain interest for the amazing charity postpals.co.uk, where you can send emails, letters, cards and gifts to seriously ill children throughout the UK. Each month I will feature two different children from the website on my blog, post any updates for the kids on the site, do a monthly update, post any news generally from the site, post info about the charity itself and a little bit about every kid on the site, and basically do all I can to get more people to know about this amazing charity!

(Some of this information and some of the pictures are credited to Post Pals and other websites.)

Friday, 22 April 2011

Featured Pal: May

It's just before May so I decided to start up the Featured Pals section again. So sorry for letting it slip :(


Photo of: Alice P
Alice is 15 and has been a Pal for 3 years. She has Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system. Her sister, Milly, is also a Pal. (although for some reason unexpressed in Alice's posts she has recently been completely removed from the site). She recently was told there was no more curative treatment on offer for her cancer. Nevertheless, Alice is still very much involved in raising funds for Postpals. She is an amazing Pal and really deserves some post.

She loves Lush bath products, Nintendo DS, and 'all things girly' :) She loves dogs and has a Labrador called Mabel.

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