Happy Easter to all readers of my blog, and of course to everyone at PostPals!
Now it's Easter, the whole country is filled with goodwill and happiness. Why not send a bit of that goodwill and happiness to raising some money or awareness for Postpals?
Here's a great start: Everyclick. Set up an Everyclick page for Postpals and you can raise money for them just by surfing the web! Here is my page: http://www.everyclick.com/supportpostpals
If you could contribute, that would really help :) it doesn't have to be a donation, just do a little searching!
Have a great Easter!
Dannii xxx
Welcome to my blog!
Hi! I'm Dannii C, and I created this blog to try and gain interest for the amazing charity postpals.co.uk, where you can send emails, letters, cards and gifts to seriously ill children throughout the UK. Each month I will feature two different children from the website on my blog, post any updates for the kids on the site, do a monthly update, post any news generally from the site, post info about the charity itself and a little bit about every kid on the site, and basically do all I can to get more people to know about this amazing charity!
(Some of this information and some of the pictures are credited to Post Pals and other websites.)
(Some of this information and some of the pictures are credited to Post Pals and other websites.)
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