William M is 6 on the 30th of July. He adores Thomas the Tank Engine, music and Sunday School, and has two sisters, Hope and Ellie. Here is his story.
William has had problems for his whole life. He was born prematurely and was in hospital all the time as a baby, diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. It was soon to become apparent that this was not the case. He has severe reflux and problems swallowing, so he had to have a gastrostomy so that William could be fed straight into his stomach. It was discovered that he has intestinal pseudo-obstruction, problems with the function of the intestines, which means nothing was moving along through his intestines so it was flowing back to his lungs, causing damage.
William cannot tolerate any food or drink and is on a drip 20 hours a day. He is frequently in hospital due to life-threatening bugs in his intestines, which can cause serious illnesses such as septicaemia (blood poisoning). He also has cerebral palsy which affects his movement so he uses a wheelchair outside.
Currently, William is in hospital for a simple tummy bug that is dangerous however for people like William who have had bowel transplants. He will likely be there for some time and could really use some post and gifts to cheer him up!!!
(Picture and majority of information credited to http://www.postpals.co.uk)
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